Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Small Things

I want to enjoy the small things in life. Well, the small and the big things. Too often I look forward to the next thing that has to get done or worry about possible problems in the future. Then I miss out on what actually matters. Because, really, my life is great and I waste too much of it with worrying about something happening to make it not great. What's the point in that?

There are so many small victories in everyone's life. It's impossible to cherish and remember them finding the perfect words to describe how you feel, writing and mailing a real letter to someone, or finding that Lowe's coupon.

So here is my list of small victories from this week:

- Finding that Lowe's coupon
- Getting back to the gym and doing 20 minutes on the elliptical
- Taking my car in to have the AC fixed...again
- Working more on my book, which I've procrastinated on for 18 MONTHS now
- Figuring out how to work my rice cooker (thanks, Brenda!)
- Finding more friends to meet up with during the weekdays
- Keeping a baby clean, fed, and alive
- Managing to sleep and complete basic chores despite the constant demands for keeping a baby clean, fed, and alive (soooo many diapers)
- Spending time with Ryan who doesn't have to work this week. Yay, paternity leave!
- Making stir-fry
- Finishing a 2,000-piece puzzle
- Hooking up the baby monitor
- Finally finishing two sketches for Alchemy
- Eating an apple instead of another pound of Honey Bunches of Oats
- Making a smoothie

What are some of your small victories?

1 comment:

  1. I feel like everything I do lately is a big victory! Getting the dishes done, picking up the apt., finally graduating!, making it out of the house in time for class.
