Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Questions to Feed the Mind

Riding to work today, soaking in the pleasant sun rays and breeze off the rivers, I pondered over some very relevant, self-seeking questions:

1. Can you call yourself a vegetarian if you only eat animals that suck?

2. Are three pieces of bread placed on top of each other a bread sandwich or a stack of bread (I've argued this for many years now...but I'll let you answer instead of giving my answer)?

3. Where does wind come from? And why does it go away? (I never paid attention in Science)

4. Why are numbers divisible by three my favorite numbers?

5. If they remade The Sound of Music who would play the Captain? And Maria? Would the whistle be replaced with a whistling phone app? And would Rolph be a vampire?

6. If eggs smell good and taste good, why does the egg smell by the river smell so bad?

7. What's the exact point where Earth becomes space? Can you stick your head in and out?

8. How did that crazy guy eat that homeless guy's FACE? True story:,0,6757015.story

And even if you were 95% full of drugs, wouldn't there be a moment where you were like, "I'm eating someone's FACE"???? And when the cops showed up, WHY WOULDN'T YOU STOP IT?

Look forward to your answers.

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