I decided to trash my old blog since it was an ancient ruin. I never wrote on it while it was active, anyway. So here's to fresh starts! Actually, my biggest hang-up in starting another blog was the name. What do you call something that's supposed to "symbolize" your public writing? I tried an online generator, but everything I found either tried to give my computer a virus or came up with lame-o names like "Fragment Dreams" or "Heather Creations."
Yeah, those would make me want to keep reading, too.
So I chose "Bleeding Crimson." It doesn't mean a whole lot, unless you want it to, I guess. In a journal entry a few years ago, I was trying to think how to describe the horrible pain in my chest and wrote "bleeding crimson down my rib cage." I read that entry a lot, mostly to remind myself what it was like being at life's lowest moment, and decided it was a good title for this blog. Not because I'm still in that pain, but I guess the idea holds true: if we want to be pretentious we can say it means that all of us bleed crimson, uniting us despite our differences. But, really, it's just a phrase that's always stuck in my head.
So that's where the title comes from. As for the point of this blog, I can't help you there. The entries will depend on if I want to be in a random story-telling mood or if I want to attempt at insight.
But right now I'm hungry. The five pounds of strawberries from Cedar Creek Produce in Leo, IN, somehow hasn't tided me over from this afternoon. Mmmm...strawberries.
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