Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Basic Foods

I go through a lot of food phases, but try to keep them "basic"...or my version of "healthy". I use quote marks because I'm really bad at watching sodium, colesterol (I can't even spell it right...so based on spellcheck it's 'cholesterol'...der), and sugar. So I'm trying to up the...well, I should say, I need to up the vegetables...anyway, I got on this topic because a friend was talking last night about it, so I thought it would be good to make a list of basic foods I like. Over the years, I've tried to "train" myself to like healthier foods, especially ones that I can eat a lot of.

So, my list of staple foods:

1. Oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon (and blueberries or strawberries if the season calls for it)
2. Scrambled egg whites with frozen vegetables (don't eat with the vegetables still frozen). If you cook the vegetables with the egg whites, I don't think the vitamins cook out. Not sure about that, though. And hard-boiled eggs are good, too.
3. Freaking organic burritos. That's not the real label, don't worry. They're the Amy's brand and DELICIOUS with good fiber.
4. My newest food phase: yogurt with Grapenut cereal and raisins mixed in...I hate Grapenuts plain, but like this it's pretty good.
5. Fiber One cereal
6. My version of PB sandwich: Sandwich Slim bread with just a little PB and this fibery fruit jam...super tasty.
7. Frozen blueberries...or "tiny, happiness popsicles".

Other than that, fruit in general is great...especially since I suck at watching sugar-intake. Bleh. And with all that said, I'm caving a lot more since I'm back at Flat Top...but how can you say no to a Triple Chocolate Storm when it's free and placed in the server's station, beckoning you with it's dark, chocolatey eyes to partake in its abyss of tastiness?

1 comment:

  1. Salsa. On everything. Lots and lots of it. It's all veggies! That and pickles for snacks. I have low blood pressure, so I don't worry about salt intake. And I hear you on the fruit- I devour the stuff! Mangoes have been my obsession lately!
