In my composition class today, we talked about procrastination and a student suggested this Ted Talk, which we watched. I'm so glad she suggested it because in the short video, the speaker addressed the issue of procrastinating on things that "have no deadlines." This is one of my biggest daily struggles: doing things. Not even important things, but THINGS.
For example, I've had pounds of these apples sitting on my counter since last week. I have every intention of making applesauce, apple butter, and apple jam out of them. I even have the equipment pulled down from the cabinets...and, yet, I can't seem to get to the point of cutting the apples up and DOING all this. It's not hard. I have the time. But. I. Just. Don't. Do. It.
This is just one example of constant THINGS that I don't blogging, or exercising, or laundry, or cleaning...and I know a lot of kind people will say, "Oh, you do plenty. You're raising a toddler with one on the way. You teach. Give yourself a break. We all need to slow down."
Mostly true. I AM raising a toddler and growing a new one...but the rest, not so much. Sure, I teach, but it's for a few hours two mornings a week...and I give myself wayyyyy too many breaks. Just yesterday, I was laying down during Isaac's nap, not even wanting to lie down, but feeling like the effort of moving was too much work. It was a gross feeling. I'm thankful Isaac sleeps so well and I get more than enough sleep (if he didn't sleep well, I'd probably throw a dart at someone writing this same blog..."waaaaahhh...I get too much rest!").
However, I need to keep myself moving, even just reading or cleaning. I feel so much better when I've gotten some things done, even if no one will ever notice the effort. Who cares if I ever make applesauce? Who cares if I vacuum under the couch? Who cares if I go for a walk? None of these things will change the world, but they'll change my day. They'll break away the cobwebs in my brain. They'll give my body a need for rest at the end of the day.
I want Isaac and Danfrieda to see me as an "active mommy," someone who plays and creates. There's nothing to do about all this, but to keep working on doing things. Of course, it's unhelpful to beat myself up over it, but I should at least keep myself motivated by reminding myself why I want to be active.
Congratulations on the growing of a new baby! I also struggle with doing things, I just keeping telling myself, I'll do it tomorrow, (and I don't). These are things that would take a few minutes to do. When I do complete them, I feel like I've been productive and can't believe I put of completing tasks for so long. I haven't seemed to master this lesson yet.